Center for Life Ethics
Schaumburg-Lippe-Straße 7
D-53113 Bonn


+49 228 73 66100


Partelow Appointed Lead Editor at People and Nature

08.Mai 2024 - News

Bonn Science Night and Festival of Democracy - We'll be There!

In May, the Centre for Life Ethics will be present at two important events

26.April 2024 - News

Launch of Virtual Brain Twin Project

Research team develops a virtual brain twin for better treatment of psychosis

09.April 2024 - News

"Health and the Internet": Stiftung Gesundheitswissen Consolidates OriGes

The Stiftung Gesundheitswissen incorporates research results from the OriGes project into its services

28.März 2024 - News

DFG Funds Research Network “Leverage Points for Climate Action”

Research Networt Linked with Center for Life Ethics

01.April 2024 - Event

ThinkJourney SS 24:
Towards what future do we want to live?


Together with recognized experts we will go on a ThinkJourney to explore desirable futures.

Center for Life Ethics

Schaumburg-Lippe-Straße 7

53113 Bonn

02.April 2024 - Event

Freedoms - why and what for? SS 24


Scholars and experts with extensive practical experience in their respective professions shed light on the foundations, functions and conflicts of different freedoms.

Center for Life Ethics

Schaumburg-Lippe-Straße 7

53113 Bonn

09.Oktober 2023 - Event

Meet the Expert
Prof. Dr. Jennifer A. Chandler

© U Ottawa

University of Ottawa

Ulysses contracts and neurotechnology:
Accounting for Unintended Effects of Neuromodulation

Center for Life Ethics

Schaumburg-Lippe-Straße 7

53113 Bonn

09.Oktober 2023 - 09:00
19.Juni 2023 - News

Summer School at the Center for Life Ethics

Valuing Plurality, Decolonising Socio-ecological Futures

20.Juni 2023 - News

Christiane Woopen Appointed Honorary Member

National Academy of Mexico bestows high honors on ethics professor from the University of Bonn

25.Oktober 2022 - Event

Desirable Futures:
Interdisciplinary Perspectives

International experts discuss possible and probable futures, and the challenges we face in making these futures desirable.

Center for Life Ethics

Schaumburg-Lippe-Straße 7

53113 Bonn

25.Oktober 2023 - 11:00

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