Center for Life Ethics
Schaumburg-Lippe-Straße 7
D-53113 Bonn


+49 228 73 66100

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Project PreTAD

M. Sc.
Constanze Hübner


Constanze Hübner, M.Sc., studied health economics at the University of Cologne and joined the Center for Life Ethics at the University of Bonn as a research associate in 2023. Previously, she was a research associate at ceres (Cologne Center for Ethics, Rights, Economics, and Social Sciences of Health) at the University of Cologne and the Ethics Research Unit at the University Hospital of Cologne from 2020 to 2022.
In addition to her studies, she worked as a student assistant at the Institute for Research in Operative Medicine (IFOM) at the University of Witten/Herdecke and as a student and research assistant at ceres and the Research Unit on Ethics.
After her studies and as part of her work as a research associate, she was employed in a collaborative project focusing on various aspects of innovation in implant technology. Furthermore, she was part of a research project on the role and importance of technology companies in healthcare. Since October 2022, she has been working on the project "Prediction of Alzheimer's disease: ethical, clinical, linguistic and legal aspects of the paradigm shift towards predictive medicine (PreTAD)".
In addition to her scientific work, she has been studying in further education in medical ethics at the FernUniversität in Hagen since 2022.
Her research interests lie in digitalization and technologization in medicine and health care as well as predictive medicine and the associated ethical and health science challenges and issues.



Center for Life Ethics

Schaumburg-Lippe-Straße 7

53113 Bonn


Academic Background

Since October 2022

Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS), Medical Ethics, Distance-Learning University in Hagen



Master's degree Health Economics, University of Cologne


Bachelor's degree Health Economics, University of Cologne

Curriculum Vitae

Since Januar 2023

Research associate Center for Life Ethics, TRA 4, University of Bonn

European ERA-Net Neuron project: The Predictive Turn in Alzheimer’s Disease: Ethical, Clinical, Linguistic and Legal Aspects (PreTAD)


Research associate ceres (Center for Ethics, Rights, Economics and Social Sciences of Health)/Ethics Research Unit, University of Cologne and University Hospital Cologne

BMBF-Project: Ethical Aspects and Health Literacy in People with Cochlear, Glaucoma and Cardiovascular Implants (RESPONSE I)

BMBF project: Responsible technology development - Ethics in, by, and for Design (RESPONSE II)

Funded by the Bertelsmann Foundation: Tech Giants in Healthcare


Research assistant ceres, University of Cologne

BMBF-Project: Gender-specific health literacy of individuals with migration background (GLIM)


Employee in a start-up, Gateway, University of Cologne


Student assistant ceres, University of Cologne


Student assistant Institute for Research in Operative Medicine (IFOM), University of Witten/Herdecke

Academic Teaching

Summer term 2021
Elective block History, Theory and Ethics of Medicine "Ethical Aspects in Implant Technology and Care", University of Cologne


Winter term 2022/2023
Elective block History, Theory and Ethics of Medicine "Ethical Aspects in Implant Technology and Care", University of Cologne


Winter term 2022/2023

Elective block History, Theory and Ethics of Medicine, Excursive contribution "Ethical Aspects in the Context of Medical Technology", University of Bonn



  • Schulz S, Harzheim L, Hübner C, Lorke M, Jünger S, Buchholz A, Frech S, Steffens M, Woopen C. (2023): Patient Preferences for Long-Term Implant Care in Cochlear, Glaucoma and Cardiovascular Diseases. In: Int. J. Environ. Re. Public Health 2023, 20(14):6358. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph20146358.
  • Schulz S, Harzheim L, Hübner C, Lorke M, Jünger S, Woopen C. (2023): Patient-centered empirical research on ethically relevant psychosocial and cultural aspects of cochlear, glaucoma and cardiovascular implants – a scoping review. In: BMC Medical Ethics, 24(68). DOI:10.1186/s12910-023-00945-6.
  • Hübner C*, Lorke M*, Buchholz A, Frech S, Harzheim L, Schulz S, Jünger S, Woopen C. (2022): Health Literacy in the Context of Implant Care – Perspectives of (Prospective) Implant Wearers on Individual and Organisational Factors. In: Int. J. Environ. Re. Public Health 2022, 19, 6975. (*Geteilte Erstaurorinnenschaft)


  • Hübner C, Baumeister A, Gerards M, Cantero-Fortiz Y,  Marquie M, Ribaldi F, Schmitz-Luhn B, Wittrock J, Boada M, Frisoni G, Jessen F, Rostamzadeh A, Woopen C, Schwegler C. (2023). Exploring Narrative Identity via Linguistic Positioning in the Context of Alzheimer’s Dementia Risk Prediction – an Ethical and Linguistic Analysis. Alzheimer's & Dementia: the journal of the Alzhiemer's Association. 19 (S19). DOI: 10.1002/alz.076284.
  • Gerards M, Baumeister A, Hübner C, Ribaldi F, Marquie M, Cantero-Fortiz Y,  Schmitz-Luhn B, Wittrock J, Schwegler C, Boada M, Frisoni G, Woopen C, Jessen F, Rostamzadeh A. (2023). Dementia Risk Estimation: Individual Needs and Preferences– Preliminary Data of the PreTAD‐Study. Alzheimer's & Dementia: the journal of the Alzhiemer's Association. 19 (S18). DOI: 10.1002/alz.079557.
  • Baumeister A, Hübner C, Schwegler C, Gerards M, Cantero-Fortiz Y, Marquie M, Ribaldi F, Wittrock J, Boada M, Frisoni G, Jessen F, Rostamzadeh A, Schmitz-Luhn B, Woopen C. (2023). “I would constantly watch myself”. Individual Attitudes and Needs towards Dementia Risk Prediction and Risk Disclosure in Interviews (PreTAD): Alzheimer's & Dementia: the journal of the Alzhiemer's Association. 19 (S19). DOI: 10.1002/alz.076422.
  • Hübner C, Lorke M, Schulz S, Harzheim L, Jünger S, Woopen C. (2022): Das Implantat und die „Organisation des Lebens“ – lived experiences und Identität in der patient:innenzentrierten Versorgungsforschung. German Medical Science GMS Publishing House. In: 21. Deutscher Kongress für Versorgungsforschung (DKVF). DOI: 10.3205/22DKVF105.
  • Hübner C, Hartmann M, Harzheim L, Jünger S, Lorke M, Schulz S, Woopen C. (2021). Konzeption und Durchführung qualitativer Erhebungen im Online-Setting am Beispiel von Gruppendiskussionen. German Medical Science GMS Publishing House. In: 20. Deutscher Kongress für Versorgungsforschung (DKVF). DOI: 10.3205/21dkvf099.
  • Hübner C. Tech-Giganten im Gesundheitswesen, Studienvorstellung und Impulsvortrag im Rahmen der Fachärztetagung 2022 des Spitzenverband Fachärzte Deutschlands e.V. Berlin/online (hybrid); April 1, 2022.
  • Hübner C. (2022). Tech-Giganten im Gesundheitswesen, Impulsvortrag im Rahmen der Tagung des Strategiebeirats der Sanakey GmbH, April 12, 2022, sine loco [digital].
  • Hübner C. (2022). Tech-Giganten im Gesundheitswesen, Vortrag und Diskussion im Rahmen des Symposiums der Health EBS e.V. „Gesunde Bilanzen, krankes System? Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen des deutschen Gesundheitswesens“, October 8, 2022, Oestrich-Winkel.



  • Berghold A, Hübner C, Schmitz-Luhn B, Woopen C. Tech-Giganten im Gesundheitswesen. Stand der Aktivitäten, rechtliche und ethische Implikationen. Gütersloh; 2022.

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