Center for Life Ethics
Schaumburg-Lippe-Straße 7
D-53113 Bonn


+49 228 73 66100

Project PreTAD

Attorney at law
Julia Braun


Julia Braun studied law at the University of Cologne. After completing the first state examination, she initially devoted herself to purely practical work. But she soon returned to academia. During her legal clerkship she spent her last education section at ceres (Cologne Center for Ethics, Rights, Economics, and Social Sciences of Health), University of Cologne. Since 2022, she has been working as a research associate at the Center for Life Ethics in addition to her work as an attorney. She is part of the team in the PreTAD project, which researches the effects of predictive diagnostics in Alzheimer's disease, and supports the Center for Life Ethics' team in clarifying all emerging legal issues.



Center for Life Ethics

Schaumburg-Lippe-Straße 7

53113 Bonn


Academic Background

Since October 2022

Research assistant at Center for Life Ethics, University of Bonn

April 2022

Passing of the second state examination in law


Clerkship at the Cologne Court of Appeals

January 2019

Passing of the first state examination in law



Law School at University of Cologne

Curriculum Vitae

October 2022

Admission to the bar/licensed attorney in law

Employment as attorney with focus on medical and insurance law

Law firm Halm, Wenzel & Collegen


Research assistant at the law firm Halm, Wenzel & Collegen


Student assistant in medical practice of Prof. Dr. Damian Franzen



  • Braun J, Wenzel F. Die Video-Verhandlung: Wegweiser in die Zukunft des Arzthaftungsprozesses? MedR 2024, 22-24.
  • Wittrock J, Schmitz-Luhn B. „Wohlüberlegte“ Entscheidung zur OP-Einwilligung, GesR 2023, 240-243.
  • Wittrock J. Urteilsanmerkung zu OLG Köln, Beschluss vom 23.03.2021, 21 UF 8/21, DAR 2021, 563–564.

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